Lets Start Small
The best way Table 5 has found to get into the FPV hobby is to start with something small, smaller drones are a ton of fun to fly around the house, they are not threatening if you fly around your neighborhood or local park and because they are so light it is very hard to break them when you crash, not if you crash, when you crash. For the purpose of this guide we will be recommending small brushless drones with ducted fans called Whoops that can be flown safely indoors and around people in addition to outdoors. It is a great way of getting started.
There are really 2 options when you are looking at brushless indoor/outdoor flyers. Bind and Fly models that bind to your existing radio ( that you’ll purchase seperatly ) and Ready to fly or all in one kits that don’t assume you have any hardware to start.
If you followed our recommendation in “Can I Get Into Drones” then you already have a radio transmitter like the QX7 or the Xlite and you have been flying in the simulator. If this is the case you can get a Bind and Fly (BNF) brushless drone like the Beta65x/Beta75x or Emax TinyHawk. These are just 2 of the many whoops drones available today. They are brush less ducted builds that gives you enough power to fly outside during calm days and plenty of power to rip through the house in your home made obstacle courses. In addition, these whoop drones have come a long way in durability. These drones can take an abuse and when (not if) you break something, parts are fairly inexpensive. This link below is strictly for the Drone, no radio and no goggles. If you are interested in a RTF (Ready to Fly) instead of BNF (Bind and Fly) kit see the below for the Emax Tinyhawk. The Emax TinyHawk kit includes Goggles, Radio, Drone, Batteries, Charger and a few spare parts. It is the most reasonable kit we have found that is still high quality. The only downside of the tinyhawk RTF is that the drone only works with the included radio and you cant a real FrSky radio with that model. the goggles however would work for any drone you decide to build or purchase.
Beta 75X
Beta75X 2S BNF Whoop Quadcopter (CHOOSE RX TYPE)
Emax TinyHawk Kit
Looking for Something Different
If you are looking for something “SMALL”but you are not interested in brushed indoor drones then look no further than the Diatone Cube 339. The Diatone Cube 339 is a very fast 3 inch racing drone that will require you to have you own radio, goggles and batteries/charger. The Diatone Cube 339 runs on 2 and 3 cell lipo batteries in the 450mah range and it is capable of speeds exceeding 60MPH. The Diatone Cube 339 is NOT safe for indoor flight and should be treated with the same respect as a 5 or 6 inch racing drone.
Diatone Cube 339
DIATONE GTB 339 CUBE5500KV Version
Batteries for the cub
GNB 3S 300Mah HV 30C/60C Battery
When it comes to parts for these Whoops, PyroDrone has all the latest and greatest in parts and Table 5’s primary source for parts and accessories.